Francis Sothoron

"An enrollment of the Militia in Saint Mary's County, agreeably to an Act of Assembly; as returned by F. Hamersley to the Commissioners of the Tax 1794." Found in the back of the 1794 Assessment Record Book of St. Mary's County. List includes:

- John Sotherland

- Francis Sothoron

- Francis Sothoron

- Henry Sothoron

- John Sothoron

- John Johnson Sothoron

- Samuel Sotheron

- Zacharian Sotheron  (Chron St. Mary’s 2:#10, 1794)

Named as a minor son of father Francis in latter’s estate administration (see father’s Notes).

Molly Sothoron wills to her nephew Richard C. Sothoron all lands she now lives on. Nieces Catharine Ann Sothoron, Dreawry Alvey, & Mary P.M. Jane Sothoron to receive livestock, nephew Harrison Sothoron a bed. Rest of the estate to brother Francis Sothoron's widow Jane Sothoron, thence to Jane's 2 sons Samuel & Francis Sothoron. Executor Richard C. Sothoron. Witness: Hezekiah Burroughs, William B. Sothoron. (Wills EJM#1:47, St. Mary’s Co., 1828.06.05, Proved 1828.12.02)

Indenture of 15 Dec 1834 between Harrison Sothoron, Francis Sothoron, John Burroughs & wife Catharine, and Mary Pell Jane Sothoron, all of St. Mary's Co., MD; and Richard C. Sothoron of same county. For $9.52 Richard C. Sothoron purchases all their interest in tract now in the possession of Richard: Sothoron's Hills, about 51 acres; Sothoron's Supply, about 21 acres; Long Yorkshire, about 25 acres. Signed by Harrison Sothoron (his mark), Francis Sothoron, John Burroughs (his mark), Catharine Ann Burroughs, Mary Pell Jane Sothoron (her mark). Wit: G. Fowler, Charles E. Egerton. Certified same date, recorded 6 June 1835. (St. Mary's Co., MD Land Records JH#10:252)

Francis Sothoron married Amanda McMillin on 13 February 1839. (* {Church Records - Batch # M514401, Source # 1466399 V .13}, Clark, Ohio)


Premition (sic) Certificate No. 2286.  "Whereas Francis Sothoron of Linn County, Iowa Territory, has deposited in the General Land Office of the United States, a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at Du Buque, whereby it appears that full payment has been made by the said Francis Sothoron according to the provisions of the Act of Congress of the 24th of April, 1820, entitled "An Act making further provision for the sale of the Public Lands," for the South West Quarter of Section five in Township eighty three North of Range six West of the fifth principal meridian, in the District of Lands subject to sale at DuBuque, Iowa Territory, containing one hundred and sixty acres, according to the official plat of the said Lands, returned to the General Land Office by the Surveyor General, which said tract has been purchased by the said Francis Sothoron.  Now know ye, That the United States of America, in consideration of the Premises, and in conforming with the several acts of Congress, in each case made and provided, have given and granted, and by these presents do give and grant, unto the said Francis Sothoron and to his heirs, the said tract, above described..."  (* - image of U.S. General Land Office Record, 1 Dec 1845)


Certificate No. 2928.  Certificate language same as for 1 Dec 1845, for Francis Sothoron of Linn Co., Iowa Territory.  Land description:  "...the North West quarter of the North West quarter of Section Seventeen, in Township eighty three North, of Range Six, West of the fifth principal Meridian, in the District of Land Subject to sale at DuBuque, Iowa Territory, containing forty acres..."  (* - image of U.S. General Land Office Record, 1 Jan 1846)


Certificate No. 6955.  Certificate language same as for 1 Dec 1845, for Francis Sothoron.  Land description:  "...the North West quarter of the South East quarter of Section thirty two, in Township eighty four North of Range six West of the fifth principal Meridian, in the District of Lands subject to sale at DuBuque, Iowa, containing forty acres..."  (* - image of U.S. General Land Office Record, 5 March 1848)

** Census & map schedules

1840 Federal Census (1840.06.01), Harmony Twp., Clark Co,, OH - pg 64A - Francis Southern

Free white males 20-29...1
females 20-29...1

1850 Federal Census (1850.06.01, Recorded 1850.08.21) Marion Township, Linn Co., IA - pg 10B, Ln 25, 153/165

-Francis Sothoron, 38 year old male plasterer, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $1,500.

-Amanda Sothoron, 31 year old female, born in Ohio.

-Archimedes McMillan, 33 year old white male farmer, born in Ohio.

(“Color” was blank for all these entries)

1852 Iowa State Census - Linn Co., Pg 43 - Francis Sotheron
- Males...... 2
- Females .. 2
- Voters .... 2
- Militia ..... 2

1854 Iowa State Census - Linn Co., Pg 12, Ln 6 - Francis Southoron

- Males ..... 3

- Females .. 2

- Voters .... 2

- Militia ..... 2

- Total ...... 5

1856 Iowa State Census - Marion Twp., Linn Co. - Pg 442, Ln 33, 209/223

- Sothoron, Francis, 48 year old married male, has lived in Iowa 15 years, born in Md.  Occupation Farmer.

  Agricultural statistics:

        Tons of hay:  5

        Bushels of grass seed:  15


            Acres of spring wheat:  0

            Bushels harvested:  22

            Acres of winter wheat:  22

            Bushels harvested:  250


            Acres of oats:  0

            Bushels harvested:  0


            Acres of corn:  6

            Bushels harvested:  150


            Acres of potatoes:  20

            Bushels harvested:  1500

    Hogs & Cattle


            Number sold:  0

            Value of hogs sold:  0


            Number sold:  15

            Value of cattle sold:  1951

    Domestic & General Manufactures:

        Pounds of butter sold:  28

        Pounds of cheese:  0

        Pounds of wool:  0

        Value of domestic manufactures:  0

        Value of general manufactures:  0 

-----, Elizabeth, 39 year old married female, has lived in Iowa 15 years, born in Ohio.

-----, Wm., 7 year old male, born in Iowa, has lived in Iowa 7 years.

-----, Mary J., 4 year old female, born in Iowa, has lived in Iowa 4 years.

- Akers, Jane, 60 year old widowed female, born in Pa., has lived in Iowa 9 years.

- Alou(Alvu?), Samuel, 20 year old male, born in Md., has lived in Iowa 1 year, occupation Farmer.

-----, Charles, 24 year old male, born in Md., has lived in Iowa 5 years, occupation Farmer.

----- NOTE: I believe the last two are of the Alvey family, children of Philip Alvey & Drucilla Sothoron, & thus are nephews of Francis Sothoron. (WHS*)

F. Sothorou (sic) was noted to be located in Section 5, Township 83, Range 6 of the 1859 Iowa State Land Map. (

1860 Federal Census (1860.06.01, Recorded 1860.07.26) Marion Township, Linn Co,, IA - Pg 239, Ln 29, 1702/1731

- Francis Sothoron, 52 year old male farmer, born in Maryland. Real property valued at $3,000; personal property at $1,000. On same property is John F. Whitmack, 46 year old farm tenant with his wife Malinda & several children.

- (Amanda Sothoron is entered at Clark Co., Ohio - see her Notes)

** Compiled Service Record*


Volunteer Enlistment of Francis Sothoron at Marion, Iowa as a Soldier in the U. S. Army for 3 years. Born in St. Mary’s county, Maryland, 42 years old, farmer by occupation.

- Mustering Officer for Sixth Iowa Calvary Volunteers found him fit for duty. Noted blue eyes, dark hair, light complexion, and 5 feet, 9 ½ inches tall. (1862.10.11, Sworn 1862.11.10, Davenport, IA )  Signature from papers:

Muster-in Roll for Co. K 6th Iowa Cal. includes Francis Sothoron, Pvt., age 42. Enrolled Oct 11 186_ at Marion, Iowa for 3 years. (1863.02.02, Davenport, IA)

Muster Roll for Co. K 6th Iowa Calv. includes Francis Southern, Pvt., present. (1863.02.28)

Special Muster Roll for Co. K, 6th Iowa Calv. includes Francis Southern, Pvt. Present. (1863.04.10)

Muster Roll for Co. K, 6th Iowa Calv. includes Francis Sothoron, Pri., present for Mar & Apr. (1863.04.30)

Muster Roll for Co. K, 6th Iowa Calv. includes Francis Sothoron, Pri., present for May & June 1863.

Muster Roll for Co. K, 6th Iowa Calv. includes Francis Sothoron, Pvt., for July & August 1863. “Absent. Sick at Fort Pierre, D. T.”

Muster-out Roll for Co. K, 6th Iowa Calv. includes Francis Sothoron, Pvt, age 42. Last paid June 30,1863. Remarks: “Died on Board Hospital Boat near Cross Creek agency D.T. Sept 23/63 of disease contracted in Service. Final statements given.” (1863.10.17, Sioux City, IA)

Muster Roll of Co. K 6th Iowa Calv. for Sep & Oct includes Francis Sothorn, Pvt., with Remarks: “Died on board steamer ‘Alone’ Sep. 23, 1863 on his trip from Fort Pierre to Fort Randall D.T.”

Certification on 14 September 1865 by S. P. Yeomans, Asst. Surg., 7th Iowa Calvary, that he had Francis Sothoron’s clothing bundled & burned after his death, to prevent spread of disease & vermin.


** Probate Records (Linn Co.,* - image of Linn Co., IA Probate Case Files, 414-430)


Estate of Francis Sothoron decd,

To John W. Webb, Dr.

To journey to Davenport and Expenses, re'ding said deceased in his life time to sell his farm, five days at one dollar per day, 5$ Expenses 4$ $  9.00
Taking care of the property of said deceased (during?) his enlistment in the U.S. Army   25.00


State of Iowa \ I John W. Webb being duly sworn say that the above account against the County of Linn/ Estate of said deceased is just and correct, that no part of the same has been paid, and that the Executor of the Estate of said Francis Sothoron deceased is justly indebted to me in the above sum of $34.00 against which no offsets exist as I verify below.


John W. X Webb


Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 11th day of November A.D. 1863.

Danl Lothian Co. Judge.

On reverse: "all Decr 7th 1863


The Estate of Francis Sothoron decd.

1862 To John F. Whitenack Dr.

March 5th. To amt due me on Settlement made at this date. $13.50
- State of Iowa \ I John F. Whitenack being duly sworn say, that on the 5th day of March County of Linn / AD 1862, I made a settlement with the said decd Francis Sothoron, then in life, of all business matters between us, and that upon that settlement there was due me as above stated in account the sum of thirteen dollars and fifty cents, that the said above claim is just and correct, that no part of the same has been paid, and that the Executor of the Estate of said deceased is justly indebted to me in the above sum of thirteen dollars and fifty cents, against which said sum no offsets exist, except a promisory note belonging to said Estate, and executed by me, for about the sum of five dollars and certain interest accrued theron.

J. F. Whiteside, Cr.

Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 7th day of December A.D. 1863.

Danl Lothian, Co Judge.

On reverse: "allowed"


In the Matter of the Estate of

Francis Sothoron deceased.

     To the Judge of Said court.

The undersigned as Executor of the Estate of Francis Sothoron, late of said county died intestate, submits the following as the inventory of the personal assetts belonging to said Estate to wit:

     1 Note made by Nicholas Matis, payable to John W. Webb or bearer, dated March 3rd 1863 and due one year from date, with Eight percent interest  500.00
     1 Note made by Saml. W. Durham, payable as above note, dated Febry. 28th 1863, due on 28th of Febry 1864 with ten percent interest for the sum of 400.00  

  The above Notes are Secured by Mortgages duly executed and recorded.

    1 Note made by John Coenew, payable to J. W. Webb or bearer, dated March 2nd 1863, due one year from date, with eight percent interest, for the sum of    30.00
    1 Note made by John Coenew, dated, payable to, and rate of interest same rate as last note, for the sum of 120.00
    1 Note made by D.T. McAfee, with R.D. Stephens surity dated Augt. 31st 1863, payable to order of Jno. W. Webb due six months from date. Eight percent int. 370.00
    1 Note made by James M. Hoffman, dated Jany 26th 1863 payable to F. Sothoron, due on demand, ten percent Int.      50.00


        Amt. brot. forwd. $1470.00
    1 Note made by G.W. Floyd. B. Dougherty Security, dated Nov 1st 1862, due one year from date, ten percent Int., for the sum of  8.97
    1 Note made by John Webb, dated Nov. 1st 1862, due one year after date, ten percent Int. 12.35
       March 2nd 1863 there is endorsed on same 10.00       2.35
    1 Note made by Enoch Howard and Alexr. Gillmore, date Nove 1st 1862, due one year from date, ten percent Int. 15.80
    1 Note by Samuel Beall and James Beall, dated Nov 1st 1862, due one year from date, 10 percent Int.


    1 Note made by Wm. Beacham and Jacob Beacham dated Nov. 1st 1862, due one year from date, with ten per cent interest


    1 due bill made by W.A. Batterson, dated Oct 19th 1860 payable at store of W____ Batterson for $4.75
            on which is endorsed 11.75 (In margin is noted "worthless") 4.00
    1 Note made by John W. Whitcnack, dated April 18th 1860, due one month after date, ten percent Int. 5.00
    1 Note made by James B.F. Hill, dated Oct 20th, 1860 due four months after date, ten percent Int. 6.00
    1 Note made by Saml. W. Durham, dated Decr 1st 1862, due one day after date, ten percent Int. 31.72
    1 Note by Restine Woods & Co., dated Jany. 8th, 1863, due on demand, ten percent Int. 64.00
    One acct. against Philena Henderson, assessment  3.50
           " " " J.L. Kacher

   Also 1 Gold watch and 1 bed and bedding.


The foregoing described personal property was received from John W. Webb, who had the same in his possession and delivered it up on the 11th day of November A.D. 1863.


Given under my hand this 3rd day of Decr. A.D. 1863.

     Thomas Corbett administrator

Filed December 3rd 1863, Danl. Lothian, Co. Judge


State of Iowa Linn County > ss.

         To the County Court of Said County, July 5, 1865.

    Now comes Drucilla Alvay (formerly Drucilla Southern) and respresents to the court that she is the sister and only surviving heir to the Estate of Francis Southern dec’d, late of said county, and presents to the court the following testimony in support of her said claim, hereto attached Exhibit "A." & "B"

    She therefore prays this court to make an order, ordering & directing the admr to pay over to your petitioner the moneys in his hands belinging to said Estate, upon your petitioner excepting to him therefore

    Your petitioner will ever_______

        Drucilla Alvay

        Per John Mitchell

        her att’y in fact.


Filed July 7th 1865.

     Johnston Elliott


Exhibit "A"

State of Indiana County of Madison > ss.

    I Drusilla Alvay wife of Philip Alvay (formerly before my marriage to the said Philip Alvay Drusilla Southern) being first duly sworn depose and Say that I reside in Madison County in the State of Indiana, That my Father’s name was Francis Southern and that he died about the year 1829 in St. Mary’s County, State of Maryland, that my mothers name was Jane Southern and that she died about the year 1838, in the same County and State, and that I am the Sister of Francis Southern late of Linn County, State of Iowa deceased, and that as I am informed and verily believe the said Francis Southern my said brother left no Child or children surviving him, and that I am the anly surviving heir to the Estate of the Said Francis Southern, late of Linn County State of Iowa dec’d as aforesaid; all this I declare according to my best information knowledge and belief.


     Drusilla X Alvay


Subscribed and Sworn to before me by Drusilla Alvay this 20 day of May A.D. 1865.

     Witness my hand & Notarial Seal the day & year in this _____ above written.

         J. M. Davis, Notary


Exhibit "B"

State of Indiana Madison County >ss.

     I Julian Linley aged 30 years being duly sworn before and say that I am acquainted with Drusilla Alvay of Madison County in the State of Indiana, that I was acquainted with Francis Southern late of Linn County State of Iowa dec’d in his life time that I have seen the Said Francis Southern in his life time at the house of the said Alvay in said County and State; that I heard this said Francis Southern address the said Drusilla Alvay as sister, and acknowledged in my presence that she was his sister.


     Julian X Linley



Sworn to & subscribed before me by Julian Linley this 20 day of May 1865.

     Witness my hand & Notarial Seal the day & year in this _____ above written.

         . M. Davis, Notary


Rec’d December 3rd 1863 from Thos. Corbett as the Executor of the Estate of Francis Sothoron decd. The sum of six dollars and thirty five cents being my fees in the matter of said Estate.

  $6.35            Danl. Lothian Co Judge


Rec’d Jan 25 1864 of Thomas Corbett as administrator of the Estate of Francis Sothoron dec’d the sum of 8.20 in full of my claim allowed this day in Co. Court Linn Co Iowa vs said Estate.

Robert Holmes.

    Recpt. $3.20


State of Iowa \  I A.C. Lucas on affirmation say that I am the publisher and proprietor of the Linn County Patriot a weekly newspaper published in the Town of Marion Linn County Iowa and that the notice of the appointment of Tho.Corbett as Executor or administrator of the estate of Francis Sothoron of which the annexed is a a copy was published in the successive numbers of said newspaper as aforesaid commencing on the 17th da of December AD 1863 being published in Nos. 2, 3 & 4 of said paper volume 1. Fee for publishing $2.00. /s/ H.C. Lucas
Linn County  /


Subscribed and affirmed before me y A.C. Lucas this 21st day of July AD 1864.

R.D. Stephens, Notary Public


EXECUTORS NOTICE– Notice is hereby given that the undernamed has been, by the County Court of Linn County, Iowa, duly appointed Executer, to administer upon the Estate of Francis Sothoron, late of said County and State, deceased. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make payment to me, and those having claims against the same will pesent them in said Court, as required by law.

       THOMAS CORBETT, Executor, &c.

Filed July 21st 1864

Johnston Elliott

Co. Judge


State of Iowa Linn County    \

In the Matter of the Estate     >       Administrative Report

of Francis Sothron deceased /


To the Hon. County Court for Linn County Iowa.

Your accountant Thomas Corbett as administrator of the estate of Francis Sothron deceased would make the following report of his doing in the______.

     He charges himself with the amount of the Inventory  $1637.93
     To Amt rcc’d of T. Bardwell being money on person of deceased at time of his death and not charged in Inventory. 99.56
     Interest received 78.25
     Cash received on Road Certificate not charged in Inventory & coming to my hands after Inventory filed 2.50
     Amount in hands of adm. $1818.24
He asks credit for the following disbursements
     Oct 30th 1863 to Int. Rev. Stamp on adm. Bond .55
     Dec 3 " Pd. Co Judge fee, D. Lothian  6.35
     Jan 25 1864 Pd. Jno. W. Webb full amt his claim allowed 34.00
     " " " Pd. Robt. Holmes for Painting Handbill 3.30

     April " " Pd. A. Manson J.P. for suit against Hill

     Amount of Disbursements

     Amount which adm. Charges himself  $1818.24


     Amount Brought forward  $44.70
     Internal Revenue Stamp on Com.  .50
     July 21 1864 - A.G. Lucas, publishing notice of appointment of adm 2.00
     " " " - To R.D. Stephens administering oath to Lucas  .25
      Jan. 11, 1864 - Cash paid J.F. Whitenack on claim allowed  13.50
     March 25, 1865 - Taxes on estate paid 28.18
     June 7, 1865 - Road Tax pd. H. Lutein Road Supervisor  4.81
     Total amount of disbursements  $93.94
     Balance in hands of administrator $1724.30


You accountant asks credit for the following notes and accounts coming to his hands and charged in the Inventory, which he now returns as worthless and asks to be allowed to turn them over in kind just as they are to the heir or heirs at Law of said Estate.

     Note of G.W. Floyd 8.97
     Note of Wm. & Jacob Benham 12.14
     Due Bill of Worrall & Batterson 4.00
     Note of Hill reduced to Judment before A. Manson J.P. Marwin of Linn Co.Iowa  6.00
     Account against Philena Henderson  3.50
     " " J. L. Kaiser  .50
     Amount of worthless claims herewith returned  $35.11


Accountant would ask an allowance of five percent on the whole amount of assets in his hand to __ on the sum of $1818.24 making                                          $90.91

Accountant would state that the Watch and bed and bedding mentioned in the Inventory he has turned over to Drucilla Alvay in kind, he being credibly informed that she is the only heir at law of the said Francis Sothron deceased and took her receipt for the same which he presents to this Court and asks to be discharged from Liability thereupon.


Accountant would further state that the notice required to be given by the Court of the appointment of Administration of said estate was completed December 31, 1863; he further states that all claims have been paid by him which have been filed and allowed in & by this Court; that the time for filing for claims has nearly elapsed, and that wheh the time allowed by law shall have expired in which claims can be filed and allowed he asks this Court to make some order directing accountant to whom said money and assets above shown to be in his hand shall be paid; so far as accountant can learn the said decedent left one heir-at-law named Drucilla Alvay, who is a sister of deceased and who resides in the State of Indiana and whose Post Office address is Quincy, Madison County, State of Indiana.


Accountant would further state that the Property of this Estate was by the Assessor of Marion Township in Iowa listed & Assessed in the name of Thomas Corbett as administrator of said estate for the year 1865 and that the usual State County School and Road taxes will undoubletly be levied upon the Assets of said estate at the present June session of the Board of Supervisors. He would therefore suggest the Propriety of this Court making some orders in the premise to pay the taxes which will probably be levied upon said estate.



     Amt. Adm. Charges himself with  $1818.24
      Amounts for which he asks credit:  
          Disbursements 98.94
          Worthless assets returned  35.11
          Allowance to administrator 90.91
          Total credits asked  219.96
     Amount in estate in money  1598.28
     Add returned assets 35.11
     Total mony (sic) & returned assets  $1633.39
     From this sum deduct amount of fees going to the present Co. Judge taxed at 4.35
     Bal. Due Estate

The proper vouchers for the disbursements above mentioned are herewith filed.

        /s/ Thos. Corbett


State of Iowa - Linn County

I Thomas Corbett on my oath say that the foregoing Report of my doings as administrator of the Estate of Francis Sothron are true and correct according to the best of my knowledge information and belief.

     /s/ Thomas Corbett


Subscribed and sworn to before me by Thomas Corbett this 8th day of June AD 1865,

     /s/ Johnstn Elliott


In the Matter of the Estate

of Francis Sothron deceased

First Reort of Administrator


Filed June 8th 1865

Johnston Elliott

Co. Judge


Rec’d Marion July 7th /65 from Thomas Corbett administrator of the Estate of Francis Southern dec’d the sum of fifteen hundred and ninety three dollars & ninty(sic) three cents in money & thirty five dollars & eleven cents in assessets (uncollected) in full of all moneys & assetts in his hands as administrator of said Estate as per order of Co Court of Linn Co. Iowa made July 7th 1865.

     Witness my hand July 7th 1865,

           Drucilla Alvay

     Per John Mitchell

           Her atty in fact.


July 20th 1865 John Mitchell returned to me out of the amount mentioned in the above receipt of $15.94, which sum was the amount of Tax due to the United States on the above distribution share of Drucilla Alvay, this tax was forgotten when I made the Report & paid over the mony(sic) to Mitchell.

     /s/ Thomas Corbett


Received from Thomas Corbett administrator of the Estate of Francis Southern late dec’d one Gold Hunting Case Watch Supposed to be worth the Sum of $65.00


One feather bed Supposed to be worth 20.00


Some old clothing Supposed to be worth little or nothing.


Said articles being the assessts & property belonging to said dec’d at the time of his death, Said articles being taken possession of by me from Said administrator as heirs of said dec’d.


  John Michell atty for
Witness: Drucilla Alvay formerly Drucilla Southern and Sister of Said dec’d.
Enoch Howard  
J.H. Brirey

Philip Alvay Husband of said Drucilla (Southern) Alvay– his X mark.

People Page

Copyright © 2005-2017
W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.